May 20, 2024
Upgrading the NVME SSD on HP 15s-EQ1022NQ
Boost your HP 15s-EQ1022NQ with an NVME SSD upgrade! Dive into our user-friendly guide for a seamless upgrade. Elevate your tech game now!

In the vast world of laptop parts, there’s a growing demand to understand the intricacies of our beloved machines. For users of the HP 15s-EQ1022NQ, part of the renowned EQ series, there’s good news: upgrading your NVME SSD isn’t as daunting as it may seem. And, with the world moving at lightning speed, ensuring that your laptop keeps pace is more critical than ever. This guide is designed to walk you through the process step by step, making sure you feel empowered and informed.

Safety First: Before You Begin

  1. Back it Up: Before diving in, ensure all your data is safely backed up. Unexpected snags, though rare, can occur.
  2. Static Safeguard: Static electricity can harm sensitive laptop parts. Consider using an anti-static wristband.
  3. Workspace Wisdom: Choose a well-lit, clutter-free area to operate. You’d want no surprise interruptions.

Upgrading the NVME SSD on HP 15s-EQ1022NQ

1. Accessing the Innards:

  • Begin by shutting down your HP 15s-EQ1022NQ.
  • Turn it over, ensuring it rests on a soft, scratch-free surface.
  • You’ll spot several screws securing the back panel. Use a compatible screwdriver to remove them gently.
  • With the screws out, delicately pry open the back panel using a plastic spudger or similar tool.

2. Spotting the NVME SSD:

  • Within the exposed innards of the laptop, you’ll find the NVME SSD. It’s a small card, typically secured by a single screw.

3. SSD Swap:

  • Carefully unscrew and remove the current SSD, taking note of how it’s aligned in the slot.
  • Align your new NVME SSD in the same manner, gently inserting it into the slot.
  • Once it’s securely in place, screw it down.

Closing Up:

  • Position the back panel back in place, ensuring no cables are pinched and everything aligns perfectly.
  • Re-insert the screws you had initially removed, securing the back panel in place.
  • Turn on the laptop to ensure everything works as it should.


It’s exhilarating to realize how even minor adjustments in laptop parts can significantly improve our tech experience. With the NVME SSD now upgraded in your HP 15s-EQ1022NQ, you can expect faster load times, improved response, and an overall boost in efficiency. Should you wish to explore more about the fascinating world of laptop parts or need guidance on other components, our extensive guide and resources are here to assist. Dive deep, stay curious, and happy upgrading!

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